Follow Following points to keep your Inktank Printer healthy.
1. Switch on and Off your printer always from Microswich only not from main Swich directly.
2. It will take some seconds to take its proper positioning in safe zone.
3. Always use original inks,because duplicate ink will damage your printer head in 2 or 3 days if printer not used and in same case original ink takes 15 to 20 days to damage printer head.
4. Always covered your printer with cotten cloth cover when it is not in used.
5. Don’t remove the paper in swich on condition when it is stuck off.First Swich off printer then remove peper.
6. Don’t use poor quality paper in your Tank Printer.
7. Change INK PAD prior to time to avoid its ink leakage.
8. Don’t move your printer more than 30 Degree when shifing from one place to another. Internal ink will move in main card and may damage your main card and head.
9. In case of faint printing use Nozzel check and head cleaning tasks from your pc.
10. Stay in touch with an Experts team to avoid interruption your Valuable work.

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